Ann’s Girls

Share our fundraising effort with your network and let's beat dementia, together.

We're doing the Western Sydney Memory Walk & Jog to raise funds for the 421,000 Australian's living with dementia.

On Sunday, 9 March, we’ll be joining the Western Sydney Memory Walk & Jog to show our love and help Dementia Australia.

And we need your support! 

Did you know that 1.5 million carers, family members and friends are involved in the care of someone living with dementia in Australia. That's why we're hoping to raise as much money as possible. We'll be walking, jogging, and running to stop dementia in its tracks. 

We'd love you to join us on the day, but if you can't, a generous donation will help provide vital services like counselling, support groups, education, and research to find a cure.

Together we can achieve a lot. That's why your donation will mean the world to us. 

We're all grateful for any amount you can give.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Rosemary Dingli

"Hi Julie, In memory of your beautiful mum, and all my family and friends who have lost loved ones this way. Enjoy the walk🌹🙏🌻"




Julia Parashko


Natasha Bhan

"You’re incredible Jules x"


Julie B

"What a beautiful way to honour your mother Jules!"


Damo B

"Go well JF! X"


Chris & Red

"💜beautiful Ann x"



"Good luck Fletch. A wonderful thing to do to honour your mum"


Stephen Smith

"Nice work ladies as my mum is dealing with dementia.👏"


Uncle Buck


Monique Dawson

"In memory of your beautiful Mum"


Maeghan Higgins



Jodie Boyd


Donna Bringolf

"Well done Juls x"



"Your mum was absolutely beautiful. So are you! Well done on fund-raising xx"


Mel M


Jackie Coleman


Jack Fletcher


Jackie Carrithers

"I now know what it’s like to loose your mum and the pain is unbearable…"


Kellie Caruso

"Good luck my Bestie x"


Beth Campbell

"A beautiful cause for a beautiful soul. Proud of you Paige! X"


Abbie Fletcher


Michelle Howarth


Jared Campbell



"Well done Jackie and family xx"



"Good luck for your walk Jackie and family xx"


Meghan De Vos


Megan D


Geoff A.

"Good luck Fletch x"


Barry O'meara

"Big hugs Julie x"


Danielle Demuth

"Proud of you girl!"




Paige Gehrels

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